Monstrosity (4)

Even if Oblivion would treat him as an enemy, Saber wasn't worried if his speed was slower than Oblivion's speed of cultivation. He calmly cultivated and improved his strength.

He wasn't in a rush since, according to his memories, Oblivion would need to annihilate living beings before he could grow stronger.

It was a similar concept to "devour" but, Oblivion needed to do it to grow whereas, Saber didn't necessarily need to "devour" anyone.

Anyway, Saber understood one thing. The disparity between the Golden Immortal realm and the Profound Immortal realm was too big.

To reach the Golden Immortal realm, Oblivion would have no choice but to hunt down Golden Immortals, otherwise, he would take a very long time by hunting down Profound Immortals.

Of course, if Oblivion didn't view him, Saber, as an enemy, then there wasn't any reason to rush things.

So either way, Saber wasn't worried. These Golden Immortals are strong and Oblivion would need too much time before he could hunt down one.

As for Profound Immortals, he'll need to hunt down too many.

By the time Oblivion entered this realm, Saber was confident he'd already entered the Prime Immortal realm.

Thinking this, he breathed out a breath of hot air. Opening his eyes, they released a purple light tinged with black and white.

With a smirk on his face, Saber's feet landed gently on the surface below. In his vision was a massive blue sun.

Saber's clothing disappeared, only for his upper body. There was a marking in the center of his chest.

It was a silvery prism symbol. In a flash of blurry light, a glowing mirror appeared as it dematerialized mid-air before taking on the form of a long three-meter katana.

"The most adaptive of the elements is the way of weapons. Each of them is powerful, whether it be a hammer, axe, spear, bow, or staff."

"But, I'm most familiar with this. To bring out the fullest of my power before I reach the Second Floor, I'll improve my techniques."


As he said this, an ark of white light parted the space. This ark of light rushed out of Saber's sword and parted the clouds in the skies!

Wherever it traveled, streaks of tears in space would be seen. Seeing this, Saber shook his head, seemingly disappointed in the outcome.

"That was Slashing Stars... Okay, let's go again."

{Void Cut}

Saber shouted in his mind as he tore apart the winds with his sword once more. This time, what could be seen, was a dark light traveling across the skies giving off the illusion of tearing apart the space.

One must understand that even the Sword Demon's explosion that caused mass devastation hadn't been able to damage the space where the void could be seen.

Saber's attack was similarly unable to do such an act. Seeing this failure of an attempt to tear apart the space, Saber shook his head in defeat again.

"And to think I had the gall to name this attack... Ultimate Sword Art... Void Cut... hehe, looking back at it, I guess it can make even me cringe."

Shaking his head, his eyes then flashed with seriousness. Grabbing the hilt of his katana even tighter, he then rose it, pointing the sharp end toward the skies.

Slashing downward, a voice resounded in his surroundings.

{Open Chaos...}

Instantly after saying these words, a large streak of light appeared in the world. The light from the blue sun seemed to dim as the streak of dark light suddenly glowed.

One could see that inside this dark light, there were countless worlds and stars in it as if this was where the world had begun!

This strike parted the skies and opened the world to chaos!

Yet, even after seeing this, even as the newly appeared worlds and stars inside the Third Floor slowly turned to dust, even as he felt the power that still radiated, Saber shook his head and sighed.

"I've dozens of elements. Before entering the next floor, I need to find no, I need to create a sword art that brings out the full potential of each element...

"The best thing would be to make one attack with the essence of every element I have. This sword art would truly be the ultimate sword art!"


Understanding what he had to do, Saber closed his eyes. The katana in his hand slowly dematerialized into light particles that rushed toward his chest, forming a tattoo-like symbol in the shape of a prism.

Hopping into the air, he crossed his legs and remained levitating as he slowly but surely sent his consciousness into the depths of his body. Deep into his bones, his cells and molecules, he could feel the different energies coursing through him.

The energies of fire, water, ice, wind, earth, wood, lightning, metal, light, darkness, space, time, and more. The more he felt, the more he absorbed, and the more he comprehended.

His ability to comprehend couldn't be measured by the common sense of cultivators. If the cultivators of this world were to spend ten decades comprehending an element, he'll spend ten hours comprehending this same element and ten others!

Similarly to what Sword Demon said, Saber could be named a little abomination due to this fact alone. But, the most insane fact that Saber had realized through the few years to have gone by was, the deeper his comprehension, the faster he comprehended an element.

This was the opposite concept to others. The deeper others comprehended, the slower they comprehend. No, more like, the more complex the element becomes.

Of course, this was for other elements. When it came to comprehending Primordial Chaos, Saber understood that it was too complicated. If it were others, they wouldn't be able to take a few steps before their lifespans expired.

Primordial Chaos, from Saber's understanding, was the essence of all elements in creation. For example, there was the element of regular Chaos. This element was the essence of the natural elements of the universe.

The natural elements were fire, water, ice, earth, wind, wood, metal, lightning, light, and darkness. The Primordial Chaos element was beyond just these.

This was why when he devoured other elements, it also skyrocketed his comprehension of Primordial Chaos.

If others comprehended Primordial Chaos, they'd need to slowly comprehend all other elements from the roots. This was incredibly hard, especially if one didn't have an affinity for such elements.

But, even then, it would only be considered the first step. Then one would need to fuse the essence of these elements before beginning to comprehend Primordial Chaos.

Luckily, for him, he could devour elements. But, now that he couldn't he'd need to do what others would have to. Luckily, this was an element he had an affinity for.

So technically, he had an affinity for all other elements too. This was directly opposite to Oblivion who lacked an affinity for any element.

To add all these elements to his sword attacks, he'd need to gain a certain level of mastery with all of them. And it was with these thoughts that, Saber had suddenly found himself in a state of epiphany.

When one was in a state of enlightenment, time would seem no longer to hold any meaning. It would travel slowly or it would travel quickly.

At this moment, Saber was completely entranced. It would seem that if one was to attack, Saber would be unable to react. This was if one had enough will to even entertain the idea of attacking Saber though...