Monstrosity (5)

High in the clouds, a humanoid rabbit stared intently toward Saber's meditating figure as it released a devilish grin, revealing one single tooth on top and a pair of teeth at the bottom.

"It seems that Lord Ruler likes what he sees..."

Seeing his reaction to Saber's actions, Alvis decided it was best to butter up to the Rulers of Hell's Tower.

He wasn't certain what type of personality this Hell's Ruler had, Alvis, didn't want to be killed just for being an eyesore!

"Do you, Alvis, wish to be another sacrifice?" The rabbit in a humanoid appearance, suddenly spun his head around, staring at Alvis with a cruel smile. It sent shivers running through his spine...

"W-What do you... what do you mean... Lord Ruler...?!" Alvis momentarily froze. A bead of sweat ran down his cheek, down to his chin as he gritted his teeth, very much not liking his current situation.

Not even bothering with his reaction, the rabbit in a tuxedo had his hands behind his back as he snickered while saying, his gaze stuck on Saber still meditating and comprehending an incredible distance away...

"I mean, soon, he'll need someone to help him. You'll understand eventually but first, I'll give you strength...

"Do you want strength? Alvis, wasn't this the main goal of the Golden Immortals when receiving the task...

"Alvis, I ask, do you want strength?"

Alvis didn't understand most of his words even after racking his brain.

He, Alvis, didn't like a situation that he couldn't understand but, the moment that the word strength, and the question... Do you want strength... were mentioned, Alvis's brain short-circuited..!

"Y-Yes my lord..!"

Before he realized it, he unknowingly replied to the words of this mysterious lifeform with a wide and thirsty grin on his face.

Seeing this, the humanoid rabbit's crimson orbs flashed with contempt hidden from Alvis's view, or simply ignored by Alvis, but a smirk was still plastered on this so-called hell's tower's ruler's face.




Breathing out a breath of air, Saber's eyes opened, revealing glowing multi-colored light that could seemingly peer through the secrets that made up this world..!

Standing to his feet, Saber tightened the grip of the hilt of a sword that slowly made its way out of his chest.

Pointing it to the skies, sudden rays of multi-colored energy shot out wildly. With confidence, Saber smirked as he slashed downwards!

From far away, one could see tens of different colored lights slowly intertwine and weave through the air.

Wherever it traveled was destroyed. Space struggled to heal itself from the attacks but, at the same time, Saber's skin paled.

"Huh?" Saber's face showed the shock he felt after realizing the cause of his sudden change in appearance.

In an instant, all his energy was sucked dry. Right now, he felt even weaker than a normal human. Honestly, he hadn't ever felt this way...

Since the beginning, this was the first time he had run out of energy instead of evolving to a high enough degree.

"It seems that this attack instantly squandered all my sage and atomic energy before my natural ability to evolve had time to act..!"

Saying this, at the same time, his skin regained its previous luster and his eyes once more shone brightly. His sparkling orbs looked as resplendent as before.


"Ten years... Ten years of cultivation and I've only reached this stage... pitiful..!"

Grumbling to himself, he still had a smile on his face. Ten years had unknowingly passed in his state of comprehension, but the gains were still high.

From then to now, he had gone from barely considering himself a Golden Immortal, to becoming a Golden Immortal expert.

If before he entered a type of ten-year seclusion, the insights in the many elements he had were barely at the standard of another Golden Immortal's insight into their element...

Then now, he could be considered to be at the level of a Stage 4 Golden Immortal..! His combat power though was much different.

"Ok, let's focus completely on Primordial Chaos itself...!" Saber closed his eyes with a serious expression.

Noticeably, around his eyes, his veins bulged and now, it was possible to see them threatening to burst through his skin.

Saber's consciousness entered a mysterious location. It was inside an endless pathway that was dark. The path itself was a dark purple bridge.

Either side was corrupted by endless darkness. As if he were to fall over, he'd be devoured into this abyss for eternity.

He had appeared in a humanoid form no different from him in the real world as his body flickered, making its way deeper into this path.

The further he traveled though, the heavier his body felt, as if he was a normal mortal trying to sprint in water reaching his waist, and the further he went, the higher this water submerged his body.

Eventually, it was no different than being completely submerged in water, from head to toe. It was as difficult as one could imagine moving forward.

But, it was still possible. Though slow, one could say that it was due to Saber's comprehension talent that he could still move forward whereas, others would be completely unable to move.

Just like this, back in the outside world, time had unknowingly passed once again as he submerged himself in cultivation.

Some distance away, probably at the other end of the third floor of hell's tower, a certain Alvis was also cultivating intently.

Though he had a feeling that he was being used, he'd not ever let a chance to improve his cultivation base slip.

His cultivation base, something that hadn't improved in the slightest in the past few thousand eras inside this floor, slowly improved once more.

If it was Saber, he'd find that this speed was slow... But, Alvis found it troublesome to keep all this power in control.

Too Fast!

For him, it was rising soo fast that he was too shocked to react. All this was due to the humanoid rabbit nearby.

He was already almost at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal realm. After being used by the Lord of Hell's Tower, his cultivation was skyrocketing and had already far surpassed the previous strongest, Sword Demon of the third floor!

Flames... The reason behind his skyrocketing cultivation and the sudden massive increase in his cultivation speed was mainly due to these flames.

In his surroundings were endless flames that were in the form of a gaseous cloud and were absorbed by Alvis's pores using his own technique.

These flames carried a crimson color and carried a mysterious yet dangerous aura as just its presence was enough to cause a Profound Immortal's soul to collapse upon seeing these flames.

"My flames specifically attack and burn the souls of my opponents. No matter who or what I face, if you can think on your own, you have a soul, and once I use my soul-burning flames, you won't be able to evade!"

His eyes flashed with coldness. Even in this situation that seemed hopeless.

Though it seemed like the Lord of Hell's Tower was supporting Saber, Alvis had the utmost confidence that with the current speed of cultivation, he will be the one to come out on top.

After all, it didn't matter who it was, in the same realm, there was never someone who could block his flames from burning their souls.

It was dangerous. Especially for someone like Saber. Due to his young age and the little time to develop his soul, it should be easy prey for the soul-burning flames!