The Final Enemy (6)

Under the force of the lightning bolt, the dimensions just released by those true immortals were instantly destroyed but, so too was Saber's body as it was reduced to a pool of black goo that fell to the surface of this floor like black rain!

The true immortals instinctively retreated several dozens of miles after the lightning bolt fell from the skies in fear and absolute terror of what power they had just experienced. The bolt of lightning seemed to quite easily destroy their dimensions as if it was paper.

The scariest thing though was Saber. Yes, even though he exploded into black rain, this was his tribulation and merely the first strike had caused such a powerful bolt of lightning to descend... How strong would he be once passing this?!

Luckily, they still had a chance. One chance to make sure that he doesn't pass because once he does, things wouldn't end well whatsoever!

"By now you should have realized right?" One of the true immortals said to the goat snake monstrous looking true immortal lifeform. Nodding its head, the goat snake monster agreed to his words as he stared coldly toward Saber's black blood that slowly reformed.

"Physical attacks don't work on him... Well, even though it does work, he's able to revive and even grow stronger than before!" The goat snake monster replied with a pair of eyes that radiated darkness as the other true immortals felt their hearts palpate from his words.

It was true. No matter what attack they send, Saber would revive and grow even stronger. Though they were capable of dominating the battle from beginning to end, they were never capable of truly defeating Saber.

And this fact constantly sent waves of worry throughout their bodies. Worry that eventually, Saber would grow soo strong that even they would be unable to resist his strength. His growth rate was perverted and continued to become more and more perverted the greater the threat he face.

"Knowing this, I assume you understand that we'll be in your care..." Another true immortal said, as his voice continued. "Only you can handle this fellow now!"

Saying this, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Surprisingly, even in the face of Saber's newly reforged body that fluctuated with immense power infinitely close to their level, the true immortals didn't seem fazed whatsoever as they all stared intently toward the goat snake creature.


"Placing all this pressure on me..." The true immortal creature sighed and said. His eyes focused fully on Saber's figure as even though he lamented that he was under pressure, there was only calmness in those eyes.

"If it was before, it'd have been troublesome. But, reappearing on this floor has restored all of my abilities... Whatever your name was, you have no choice but to submit...!" The goat snake creature proclaimed with utmost confidence.

A peculiar aura surrounded his body and shot toward Saber's newly reforged body. Seeing this, Saber was about to react but this aura had already entered his body, specifically, his glabella. And once this took place, all the true immortals immediately released wide grins.

"So quick!" One of the true immortals couldn't help but say. "Thankfully that monster didn't expect this type of attack involving the soul, now he's as good as truly dead!"

Smirking wildly, the true immortals retained some form of confidence as Saber's body remained afloat but now seemingly paralyzed...

Appearing next to the goat snake creature, they sent compliments toward him. Everything would be fine and all... But they noticed something. The goat snake creature didn't seem happy.

"What's wrong?" Asked a true immortal. But before gaining a reply, he, along with the rest of the true immortals dodged an attack! It was a powerful and destructive attack capable of instantly harming them as only the vampiric progenitor was too slow and the attack landed.

Boom! Xiu!

With a loud collision, the injured vampiric progenitor was unable to dodge as the bolt of lightning landed on his body. But just as fast, the bolt of lightning burst straight through and made its way toward Saber's unmoving figure below.

And similarly as fast, Saber instantly reacted and disappeared, appearing several tens of thousands of miles away. His figure disappeared once more as the bolt of lightning as if with a mind of its own, halted its movements and rushed toward his appearing figure.

Dodging the bolt of lightning several more times, the skies were filled with dissipating afterimages as in Saber's palm, a purple sword of several other colors formed. This sword was made purely from primordial chaos as Saber swung outwards.

{Ultimate sword art... Primal Slash}

A stream of purple light collided with the incoming bolt of destructive lightning. As both halted each other's movements and exploded, the scene shocked all true immortals. Not due to the power of Saber's technique but the single fact that he moved...

Yes, shockingly for them, he was capable of resisting the soul-powered attack that should have instead controlled him! Seeing this, the most shocked of them was the goat snake creature as it stared in confusion toward Saber's moving figure.

Each of them ignored the vampiric progenitor who was now fully dead after exploding and being completely erased by the destructive force of the lightning bolt. At the same time, the lightning bolt burst through the sword attack and rushed toward Saber once more with renewed vigor.

"Tsk! And this is only the second." Saber grumbled. Saying this, his figure flashed several more times, and each time he reappeared, he slashed outward, sending more and more of his powerful sword art technique toward the lightning bolt.

Eventually, after sending nine sword art moves, the lightning bolt dispersed under his power but Saber's wounded body showcased how tough it was to resist. As his wounds healed and his aura rose, several true immortals appeared, not wasting his injured state at all.

"What!" Saber shouted in anger. "Hey, where is your true immortal pride?" He couldn't believe these pretentious people had steeled themselves enough to attack him while he was down as after all, the stronger one became the more pride they held...

Especially true immortals who were deemed the strongest. How come they attacked him when he was in this state...? It was already a stretch when he was a prime immortal but even now!...

"Humph! You are a different case. We can't assert you with our norm so we've decided to make an exception to deal with you!" The goat snake creature proclaimed. Simultaneously, a mysterious power shot out of his eyes.

'But I don't believe you truly can resist my soul attacks!' Thinking this, the peculiar power of his rushed toward Saber for the second time, passing through all obstructions and entering Saber's body as just as he thought, something interesting happened.

Saber's movements came to a halt... Seeing this, the other true immortals smirked coldly as they realized the previous time was merely a fluke of good luck. Now that his soul had been taken control by the goat snake, it was now very simple to kill Saber.

With this confidence, they sent out several attacks simultaneously. There wasn't any need to use their dimension and these were merely normal attacks that rushed to obliterate Saber's body and soul with all of its power.


Sabe's figure disappeared. Again, their faces showcased doubt as they were momentarily dazed to the point that they stopped flying.

The goat snake had an aghast expression as he frantically searched for Saber's figure, not finding it anywhere as right after...

Slash! Puchi!

Blood sprayed to the skies...