The Final Enemy (7)

Easily resisting the soul-powered attack, Saber's sword made of primordial chaos ripped apart the neck of a true immortal with utter ease as he teleported away instantly thereafter...!

"You truly do look down on me!" Saber growled. "My mind isn't something the likes of lower existences such as yourselves can control..." Saber stated with absolute certainty.

He wasn't wrong at all. As a true lifeform, his mind was completely resistant to mind control attacks as mentioned by his first master back when he had now become a true lifeform.

Saying this, Saber had slashed out several thousand more times, instantly causing the detached head of a true immortal to be slashed into infinitely small pieces.

The primordial chaos element from the sword devoured the true immortal's cells and molecules, atoms, and sub-particles, strengthening Saber even more as his aura shot through the roof once again, and right after, the third bolt of lightning descended.

Crackle! Xiu! Boom!

Though the third bolt of lightning descended from the skies, Saber's focus was mostly on the true immortals, particularly those closest to him as he appeared behind a several-meter-tall humanoid with a burly physique and slashed at him with his primordial chaos sword...

But, the true immortal immediately reacted. Simultaneously, his comrades retreated a great distance away, practically abandoning him as he clashed weapons with Saber.

But, even as he remained on equal footing and was about to release his dimension, something above Saber's realm, the bolt of lightning landed on both Saber and the true immortal Saber fought.

The power was much greater than the previous ones, causing Saber's body which had just undergone a massive improvement by leaps and bounds, to explode once again as if it was still his prime immortal body facing the true immortal lightning tribulation!

At the same time, another body that exploded was the body of the true immortal Saber fought against that, unlike Saber, the true immortal couldn't revive after being killed... As one could imagine after facing the power of the third lightning, his state wasn't the best.

It wasn't good at all as his body was riddled with wounds. His internal body had exploded and all of his organs had become meaty paste as it was by a miracle he could still think.

Struggling, he still managed to move his wounded body as his last remaining limb, his left arm, gripped the long spear and stabbed toward Saber's pool of blood form...

Around the spear was a destructive force intending to completely obliterate Saber from the realm of the living and pulverize Saber's existence on a sub-atomic level.

But, the pool of black blood disappeared in a flash of light as Saber reappeared in a distance away already in his humanoid form and slashing outwards with his sword.

It seemed like he decided to attack from a distance but, as his sword passed through the winds his figure disappeared in a flash of light once more and reappeared behind the weakened true immortal who had stabbed his spear forward intending to obliterate a Saber that wasn't present.

Fwoosh! Puchi!

Blood spurted in the skies as Saber's sword took another head, detaching it from the neck of a true immortal whose body didn't give up and attacked Saber even whilst lacking a head. The spear twisted around like a snake and made its way toward a surprised Saber.

Clang! Boom!

But, even if he was surprised, it wasn't outside his expectations. Now that he had the power of a true immortal to boot, his primordial chaos sword clashed with the spear of the true immortal, releasing a clanging sound, and right after a loud booming sound reverberated throughout the space of the final floor as the shockwaves shook the very void..!

Clang! Boom!

The duo clashed weapons again. Once more, a powerful shockwave shook the void and an even more powerful shockwave appeared. Visibly, the true immortal's wounds healed and his strength slowly returned, strengthening his attacks even more but...

Saber's scariest ability was the capability to adapt and evolve at a perverted pacing. His star-like cells burned and released even more power. Saber's aura was soo hot that it could burn worlds to atoms and melt the toughest of steel inside the universe.

Clang! Boom!

The two clashed weapons again and again. Saber slowly began to dominate the battle but right before he could worsen the situation for the healing true immortal, the other true immortals appeared, striking toward Saber in a group and with perfect synchronicity.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several attacks landed on Saber's body as the true immortals immediately, and without wasting any time, released their dimensions.

Covering the surroundings and sealing the time and space were the dimensions of these true immortals that merely due to the pressure they radiated, threatened to fracture the void of space.

Descending on Saber's body was a massive force that felt like the weight of several infinite in size universes as Saber's internal organs exploded.


Black blood escaped Saber's but Saber's eyes brightly lit up in a purple glow. The symbol between his forehead released a tantalizing aura as his black blood became a deep shade of purple and his aura spiked.

{Primordial Chaos Realm!}

Saber shouted. Though he couldn't release a dimension due to not being in the true immortal stage, his realm was beyond anything like that of a prime immortal, simply not at the stage of a true immortal's dimension. But, this was in the quality of realms...

In terms of elements, Saber's realm was equal in terms of force and power compared to those dimensions created by the true immortals. Sadly for him, he was massively outnumbered and held no chance in suppressing the dimensions that crashed down onto his body.

But at the very least, due to his realm being released, the immense pressure stopping his body from moving had lessened to an extent that was enough for him to move... And soon later, due to a certain ability, Saber's body grew powerful enough to completely resist this force...

At the same time though, several attacks landed on Saber's body, sending him hurdling away while he coughed up mouthfuls of purple blood.


Saber's back landed hard on the surface of the final floor and due to the momentum, he was sent rolling several thousand meters before finally coming to a halt.

Jumping to his feet with even more wounds riddling his body, it had become somewhat alarming to the true immortals how resistant and durable he had become to their attacks.

Saber rose his right hand, blocking an incoming snake tongue that wrapped around his arm as the long crimson tongue suddenly released a dangerous black aura.

"Poison!" Saber could instantly tell. Though this was the first time he had faced poison in a battle, he did remember that once in the far past, he had some type of poison physique.

And to seemingly confirm his thoughts, Saber felt that as he breathed in the poisonous air, his strength skyrocketed and his mind cleared.

Yes, instantly, he felt his comprehension speed skyrocket along with his strength. His aura shot up once again, shaking the minds of the true immortals as Saber's left hand griping the primordial chaos sword tore apart the goat snake's true immortal tongue...!

Though the bolt of lightning in the skies would have descended, due to the sudden rise in his comprehension, it needed to descend even faster.

So as the true immortals rushed toward Saber, their figures came to a halt as they quickly made a distance in fear of the incoming bolt of lightning that was even stronger than the previous ones combined!