CHAPTER 1 - The Flash Back

She looked at the mirror that morning, admiring her fairly white skin that almost looked pale,her well asymmetrical face,her quite seductive eyes that looked like a lioness who had just seen her prey,her loved shaped lips that had a radiant of both pink, slight purple,and a nude brown. Her cheek bone were well defined and they had a pinch of pink on her cheek that made it look like blush,her eye brows were well shaped with her long eyelashes and her pointed nose . Each part of her body complimented the other but her hair had a color that was undefined. It was like the name of the color never existed. It looked like pink but wasn't pink,a pigment of red but didn't quite look like red, a slight resemblance to brown but wasn't exactly brown. Her hair had a color that even she her self didn't know what it was .

She picked up her comb to comb her hair. While combing her hair that was almost her knee length she suddenly had a FLASHBACK.

Her mother sat her down in front of the mirror and began to comb her hair then she asked her mother why her hair was this way ,her mother had once told her it was because she had a very special power but she didn't see it that way or maybe she didn't understand what her mother meant by she was special.

"Mother may I ask you a question"she said to her mother curious to know whether her mother would have a different answer to her question this time.

"Yes my darling go ahead, you may ask"her mother said

"Mother why can't I be like every other person in the kingdom?I mean like every other children who learn about the gods and goddesses,why do I have to always learn about fantasy stories like Cinderella,Ariel , sleeping beauty and other princess . Why can't I do the things others do,why am I always locked up in the palace." She asked her mother she was shocked at the way she blotted out but it didn't really matter , all she wanted to know where the answers to her questions and yes she was definitely tired of hearing it was for her own safety and that when the right time comes she would understand.

"Aphrodite my love I guess the right time has come and it is time you know why you are subjected to so many things". Her mother told her to come sit besides her on the bed then her mom took a deep breath before she began to talk again."who am I other than just your mother, the queen of the kingdom of universal power".

Aphrodite began to think because she only knew her mother by these tittles so what else could her mother mean. She had remember once when her aunty had once told her a story of a queen who was a goddess and her aunty told her in tis kingdom and beyond they are all gods and goddesses but she didn't quite understand either what that meant and her aunty said to her"when the right time comes you would understand".

"You are a goddess". Aphrodite said in thoughts .

"Yes I am a goddess but not any kind of goddess . I am the goddess of reasoning, wisdom and unknown knowledge. I am still the goddess of everything it's just that I have the gift of wisdom". Her mother said to her . Aphrodite was confused but tried to mask her confusion.

"My love you see in the realm we live in we are all gifted and talented and you my dear are very special more than you can imagine. You see Aphrodite , we have many realms but each one is a player of the game".

"But mother what game could that be is it a game of hide and seek or the game of ask a question. Mother what is my gift or talent". Aphrodite found this information very interesting and fascinating and it was way better than all her other stories on princesses or fantasy.

Her mother seemed to be doubting her decision it was more like she was contemplating on whether or not to tell Aphrodite. She hesitated before she replied"it is a game of chess".

Aphrodite tried not to laugh but she couldn't help but laugh. She could not see the sense in what her mother had just said, for a moment she thought that they should have named her mother goddess of jokes instead of wisdom.

"Aphrodite I am serious . Every kingdom is on a mission to capture the other kingdoms King and when they do so everyone in that kingdom either become slaves,they could be killed , even suffer and so many things you would not want to imagine."" That is why they say