CHAPTER 2 - Her First Mission

"love is just a game of chess".

"If our king is being checkmated then our kingdom will become theirs and there would be no more peace".

       "Hmm... I understand now. So my darling mother when are you finally tell me about my powers and besides it would soon be my 14th year birthday and also when u am 16 I  would have my grand weeding to whoever my beloved may be ." Aphrodite said to her mother feeling rather excited than proud that she had grown up so well and fast and very soon she would become a queen just like her mother or even a duchess .

     "Yes my love I am fully aware that you are no longer a baby or even a child but first about your powers hmmm.... I guess I have a mission for you".

"What might my first mission be mother"she asked

   "Well your mission my lady is to discover your  powers before your birthday".her mother said with an ascent that made Aphrodite chuckle but she later frowned

   " But mother the is a mission impossible, how can I,no how would I, I am really lost if words right now this is a mission impossible so therefore my queen I accept this mission whole hearted for a good queen never gives up".

         There was a sudden knock on the door and her mother said"who is it".

       "I am sorry my queen to have disturbed your mother and daughter time but his majesty has requested for your attention in your room".

     " Ok then, tell him I would be there shortly".

       " Ok your majesty".

    "Well princess Aphrodite I guess my husband needs me so we shall continue this conversation tomorrow besides there are alot of things you need to know now that you are no longer a child but for now good night my lovely child".

      " Good night my wonderful mother".

   Her mother kissed her on her cheek and forehead and she also kissed her mom on her cheek . It was said that kissing someone on their cheek meant I love you.

When her mother left her room she began to talk on how she was going to begin her mission she had thought of many ideas like going to the palace library or even visiting her grandma or Maybe someone related to her mother after all her mother was goddess of wisdom so maybe someone related to her would have similar powers.

     She suddenly remembered her aunty she had always been there for her and even if she had lots of questions to ask ,her aunty her aunty would always have an answer so she decided that the first thing in the morning she would do would be to request her aunt's presence in the palace but for now she needed a beauty sleep.

       Before she could fall asleep she heard a knock on her window, it more or less sounded like someone was throwing stones at her window. She began to think 'who could it be' ;' wait could it be'.


Queen Athena POV

Walking through the hallway of the palace she began to think ' did I do the right thing by making he find her gift through a mission. What if she gets herself worked up or even get into danger's

          She had been thinking too much that she even walked pass her room. Entering into the room her husband king Apollo was seated by the reading table. It seemed like he was reading a book or Maybe he had brought work into their bedroom after she had warned him several times saying "never bring work to your place of rest everything has time".

           " I thought we had a library my king so why then has my king decided to turn our bedroom into a mini library". Putting aside the documents he gave her a faint smile" what is wrong my king".

            "When are we finally going to tell Aphrodite the truth when is she finally going to know that the peace she sees now  wouldn't last forever. You do know that we can not lock her in the palace forever and when she finally leaves this palace...."

      "I understand my king ,she would find out soon ,I just need more time besides I have given her,her first Mission which is to find her powers."