Chapter 12 - Childhood Ends

Just outside the Southern District was a vast stretch of wild woods. While it was unsettled, there was a swath of safety maintained by the 3 clans as part of their youths accruing experience and contribution at the same time. In the area of the Frey Clan, a small clearing full of stones arranged to make a small obstacle course was full of the sound of fists smacking rocks.

A slim youth was dodging down a path and striking a target with his full power. His mix of blonde and dark hair was held back by a leather piece as his muscled body was half exposed and covered in sweat and dirt. It was clear that 4 years of intense training had shaped Lind into a budding cultivator.

The current trek was his 12th in the open area. It was not well used at this time of year due to the upcoming Tri-Clan Tournament. Many disciples were preparing to break through or increase their power in more immediate ways than normal training. Right now, Lind preferred the solitude.

His dark green eyes were focused and unlike when he first entered the Soul Realm, it was mostly clear of Qi. He could still perceive strong sources and the formation protecting this area from beasts, but it was all background to him now. The flow of Qi into his body was far more under his control, if unorthodox in his solution. Rather than block the Qi, he caused it to flow over his skin as if he was swimming through it.

Some would be absorbed, but nowhere near the troubles he had back at the beginning. He was firmly in the middle of tier 3 with a solid foundation. For his elemental tempering, he had to study each of the 6 elements and work on them for weeks at a time. With fervent focus and some closed cultivation, he had finally gotten his tempering to 4th tier. The problem was comparing him to his contemporaries.

The twins were both well on their way through the 5th tier of the Soul Realm and most of the rest of his class was the same. The issue of tempering 6 elements was showing up, but Lind had proven to be able to keep a stable progress. The thought of the twins caused Lind to lose his focus and his fist slammed into a sharp edge and blood flowed.

"Damn it!" Lind stopped and looked at his bleeding fist. The cut was shallow. He quickly opened a bag at his waist and popped a low grade healing pill from his mother. She had made him pills of higher quality but he kept those in reserve for emergencies. The blood stopped flowing as Lind guided the pill's effects where it needed to go. Earth medicine was pathetic compared to alchemy here.

Lind's mind was distracted. His 15th year was trying very hard to break his spirit. Several things had happened in quick succession to bring his enjoyment of life to a screeching halt. The biggest was the secret of his life. He finally knew where he came from and it shattered his world.

His father was a hostage, specifically a hostage of the Altaran kingdom to the east. It was a power on par with the Lotus Empire but far more warlike and had oppressive rules when it came to women. Altaran women were seen but not heard. They were expected to raise the children but have no say in their futures, and the most damning thing is Altaren men treated all women as if they were playthings for their use only.

A vicious war had raged for over a decade before a higher continental power stepped in to stop it. As part of the forced peace was an exchange of important hostages to discourage further conflict. Lind did not know who the Lotus Empire gave, but the 2nd Prince of Altara was foisted on the Empire. The Emperor, for reasons unknown, passed the hostage off to the Frey Clan in the Southern District.

Geographically, the Southern District had a mountain range between Altara and it thus it was near impossible to reclaim the prince easily. If it ended there, it was an honor to be entrusted but that was not the reality. The Emperor explained the rules of holding the hostage which included assigning prestigious servants to them.

Lind had pursued this knowledge foolishly after learning his father was alive. He had hoped to learn if he could see him, but instead, he had found the dark truth hidden from him. It was hidden because of the Alchemist Guild and his mother's demands. The first 2 servants had been the daughters of the Grand Master and Grand Mistress. It was just supposed to be delivery of food and conversation on events. They even took him on guides of the Clan grounds.

Instead, servants came sprinting for the Grand Master and found the girls beaten and raped. The damn Prince was an Iron Tier World Realm. He had hidden his cultivation until he struck. Worse, they had hidden this had been going on in shame for the husbands they had lost in the war. They were also under the belief they were protecting the other. The bastard used them! Lind remembered crying and gripping the scroll he had snuck out of the archive.

The nightmare did not stop there. Afterall, neither of those women were his mother. He had an aunt! He had an older aunt that had been part of the servants assigned and became the primary one but the Prince was no longer allowed out. It was believed he would not cross the line after the Grand Master raged. The Old Man was not as strong and could not disobey the Imperial Edict. For a few years it was quiet, but then it happened again.

His aunt was found beaten and bleeding, barely alive and also pregnant. He had held her for days before other servants noticed they had not seen her. Lind had lost control of his elements at that point. He wanted to stop, but he had to know. Did the Old Man and Granny sacrifice his mother after all this?!

This was where things derailed. It was not in the record but suddenly his mother reported to the Grand Master with bruises less than a month later and demanded he do something or she would. The Alchemist Guild was very powerful and had intervened in the idiocy. The Emperor was forced to seal the cultivation of the Prince and his servants were all made male. The Altaran Kingdom could not fight it as the Alchemist Guild was just as powerful over there.

It was clear they valued his mother. Lind wept openly at that time. He had dropped the records and just cried out loud without a care. It was how Teyla found him. He was not supposed to be there and she clearly saw the scrolls at his feet. The worst part was her gold tinged eyes filled with understanding. She had known! Why had this been kept from him? Why was this allowed to happen 4 times?! What was wrong with these people?!

"Come with me, Lind." Teyla had pulled him outside and to their favorite place by the river near the Clan. The sounds of birds and wind in the trees soothed Lind a bit. He was the son of a monster. That thought kept echoing in his mind. He barely registered that Teyla guided him behind some stone circles that blocked the view outside of them. It was a sheltered area many used to bathe.

"I wanted to tell you so many times. Teylin and I, we never knew until you broke through to the Soul Realm. I swear." The honesty in her eyes cooled his anger quite a bit. She was his friend, one of the few. Breathing out a lot of pent up feelings, Lind let his bare feet dangle in the cool water. Teyla sat next to him and he became aware she was looking odd.

The last 4 years had her fill out even more and become a stunner. Teylin was in the same boat as he had broadened out and was equally as stunning to girls. Lind had been used as a human shield at festivals enough to know a lot of interest was generated not just in the Frey Clan but in the Gu and Che Clans as well.

The distraction was enough to get Lind's mind to move away from the bomb he had found but Teyla pulled him back.

"How did you find out?" Her face was looking into her melancholy reflection but Lind knew he had to tell. It was not like it was a secret. Lind tugged on his crimson vest as he took a moment to collect his thoughts.

"It was one of Shou's goons. He must have known something about Kor and left me bread crumbs." The confused look on Teyla's face made Lind realize they had no such metaphor for clues. "I mean that he left intentional clues to lead me to the right archive. After that, it was just a matter of time."

Lind felt a gentle hand grasp his own tightly. He looked over and saw a strong gaze pierce into him.

"You are not defined by that monster! You are kind, gentle, and amazing! You know that right?" Teyla and Teylin could read him like a book so Lind knew he could not hide his thoughts. "I will always be on your side, Lind. We all will!" Warmth flooded his chest at her words. Even so, he was just as good at reading her.

"What is wrong, Teyla? You look distrubed beyond this." Lind saw a surprise flash across her face but instead of answering him, she looked away and was quiet. Lind waited quietly and firmly grasped her delicate hand in his own. A heavy sigh escaped her lips but she freed her hand and then stood up suddenly.

"Let's take a bath, Lind." Before he could process those words, she began to unwind her robe. Long ago, when he was 5, they had all bathed together but it was in this very area under adult supervision as all the kids had gotten into the mud. It was a happy memory for Lind but now his brain froze. He could not process the exposed back of his closest friend. Teyla was still in a wrap for her chest and waist but that was all.

Words, he needed words. Why was his body not responding? Was he actually awake? Lind's mind had raced until he saw her eyes. There was a desperate need in those eyes. Teyla stared at him and Lind suddenly saw her tremble. Fear. She was feeling fear. Why? Lind had not so much as moved, in fact he had forgotten he had a body to be honest. Teyla was gorgeous but Lind saw the desperation and the fear. Something snapped in Lind.

"NO!" Lind slammed the door at the instincts that had begun to take over from his teenage body. The wind flared around him as he flew up into the air on the element he called. This was wrong. Teyla had comforted him but she was running from something and wanted to use him to do it. He was willing, a part of him was more than willing, but Teyla meant more than that to him.

"LIND! WAIT!" Lind did not stop. If he stopped right then, he doubted he could resist what was offered. People were not things, they were not convenient objects. Lind just ran and ran until he was deep in the woods and then he changed directions. He did not foolishly run into the areas with World Realm beasts. No need to add tragedy to all of this.

That had been over a week ago. Lind had not set foot inside the clan but had left a message with the guard so his mother knew he was safe. He mentioned nothing of his discoveries or the strange actions of Teyla. Now, he sat in the training area letting his body cool off and recover.

"You still hide better than anyone, Lind." Lind jumped at the voice but then saw the handsome visage of Teylin. The 19 year old had a sword at his waist that looked far too plain compared to his robes of crimson, gold, and black, but it was very him. Teylin valued function over flash in his weapons. Even so, Lind knew the Old Man and Granny were getting a special weapon forged for him.

"I needed time away." Lind felt parched. He had not really spoken with anyone in a week. His sore body moved stiffly over to his robes at the end of the path as Teylin followed. "Is she coming?" The sudden stiffness in Teylin's face spoke volumes about whatever issue was going on.

"No. She told me what she did and apologizes for trying to seek comfort in you. I told her it was very foolish to think you would accept such an offer at that moment after what you learned." Teylin then pulled Lind into a hug. It was a brotherly hug of support. "I reiterate what she said though, you are the best man I know, Lind. Never doubt that."

Lind felt tears sting his eyes but he held them in. It was not the time.

"So, am I in trouble?" The sharp laugh from Teylin broke the somber mood.

"Hardly. Grandfather is incensed at young Bola. His father basically put him into solitary confinement since that was an Imperial Edict that was revealed. How much did you get? Teyla was not sure." Teylin leaned against the warm stones in the sunlight. Such a peaceful day for a dark topic.

"I know I have siblings. The 2 girls whose names I do not know and Kor are actually my closest blood relatives and who knows how many exist in the Altara kingdom. How could the Old Man allow that?!" Lind was shouting by then, but Teylin never flinched. His mind was excellent like that, being able to step back from emotion to see a clear picture.

"I do not know about that but yeah. So, you did not read the rest?" Teylin's eyes were scary. Lind only shook his head and saw pain in the gold tinged eyes. "Have you not considered what is missing, Lind?" Lind felt shock flood his body. They were dead. The 3 women, including Lind's aunt, was dead. They were nowhere in the lives of their children and the memorial in the garden with no name. It all clicked together and Lind sank to his knees.

"Why? Why was this allowed?" Lind could not understand but Teylin clearly reigned in his rage. The final piece clicked into place. Oh God, the twins' mother. His shock must have shown as Teylin's own eyes glistened with tears.

"Yeah. We never understood why mom died. No one talked about it, but we never knew it was that bad. We are not related, Lind, but your 2 sisters are related to us. Apparently, my mom and my aunt were fine until your aunt was found. The details are not important right now, what is, you have not changed in my eyes Lind. You are not responsible. Your mother is also amazing." Lind was stunned. He was barely hanging on but Teylin was so calm. It had been years since he learned the truth, but even then, Lind was sure the Young Master Frey had dealt with it as calmly as anyone could.

"Thank you Big Bro. Thank you for everything." A sharp chop to Lind's head made him rub his top but a smile cracked his face at last. Now that a piece of the weight was lifted, he remembered another problem. "What is wrong with Teyla?" Teylin instantly flashed rage but cooled off before looking deep into Lind's eyes.

"Don't flip out, but Teyla–she–uh–she is engaged." Teylin broke eye contact looking at Lind but the words shattered the world once more. Lind could tell, this was not a good thing. The desperate fear in her eyes came back and Lind suddenly felt calm. All the secrets and revelations no longer mattered.

"Tell me what to do Big Bro. No one makes Big Sis cry!" Lind's declaration echoed across the training paths and into the forest. Beasts flinched from the power in that voice and the spirits of Heaven and Earth seemed disturbed as if an oath had been made. Childhood had come to an end by disaster but Lind was not lost in his shattered heart. He had things to do.