Chapter 50 - Sapphire Auction House

Spring had returned to the Lotus Empire and a yearly event was making the Inner District busier than usual. The Sapphire Auction House was opening up its doors for a massive event. All year long cultivators had lucky encounters to expeditions that would bring precious resources or treasure back to the capitol.

The Sapphire Auction House was one of the rare powers that existed independent of the Empire and had branched throughout the continent. Its main headquarters was across the Silver Straits in Indelia. It had a floating city maintained over there near the major trade guilds that were the ruling powers of that continent.

The yearly auctions were special events that drew itinerant and powerful cultivators to the Sapphire Auction House with the best of what they found. It made cultivators hold onto treasures for the best result as the Sapphire Auctions were backed up by powers that could not be deceived nor cheat people out of their profits.

The cycle was timed to be at different times of year for each power that held a branch. It was possible to attend more than one, but the items put up were usually in extremely high demand. The Ruins in the Lotus Empire turned a tidy profit for the Auction House especially after the entrance exams.

The Lotus Academy would often donate 2 to 3 treasures they could not use or put to use in exchange for massive resources as it was almost always something the powerful wanted to buy. Nobles would plan to set aside massive stacks of soul or world stones to spend on the select items that could only be found in such auctions.

Other auction houses often held regular sessions but most of that was pills or local forges moving product left over after training up apprentices. It allowed a recouping of the consumption of resources as they trained potential new powerhouses and kept the money flowing between everyone to keep resources coming in.

This yearly auction, on the other hand, was a spectacle for commoner and noble alike. The bidding wars could be bitter to watch and some wars paled in comparison to the vitriol spewed between parties. There were rigid rules enforced during the auction itself and no one could break them for fear of being excluded forever from any Sapphire Auction House.

Lind was waiting in a long line at the front of the auction house. It was a towering building compared to many even if it was in the Gold Ward. The high quality materials made his World Eyes sparkle to see high level formations protecting the integrity of each structure. His desire to know what some of them did nearly pulled him out of line, but he kept focused on what he was here for.

The last few months had been amazing for Lind's comprehension. He still was increasing the use of his staff technique to temper his elements, but he was now truly understanding how he was tempering them. As his foundation stabilized and channeled the elements, it purified them and increased the quality.

Lind finally got a breakdown of his cores. He had heard more than once he had divine cores, but no reference existed in the Academy library. Younger Twin had been reluctant to detail it, but essentially elemental cores came in similar tiers to cultivation but unlike cultivation, the quality can jump far over each realm.

It all depended on how much of each element was comprehended and how the relationship between them harmonized. A 6 elemental actually had an advantage here as to even exist, the 6 elements had to have a high harmony to even come together. Lind now knew a mortal core was not a great start but it could be improved on the cultivation journey. It got more complicated if only 1 core was mortal while others were soul or world cores. Without the balance, the foundation would fracture and all potential would be lost.

Lind now saw that each of his cores tempered at a different rate but Lind was able to keep them in balance with the Immortal Realm technique the 6 seniors passed on to him. The staff was an excellent treasure in that regard. Now that he knew the dangers, Lind was carefully observing his cores as they improved.

His foundation had been able to jump up to high tier 5 to lessen the strain on it and Lind had noticed an ease of control to his Qi. It was all complex and connected, yet it all came back to balance no matter what. Lind had also had excellent progress with elixirs at last.

The secret to elixirs was combining instinct and desire to practical knowledge of alchemy. If he wanted to make a healing elixir, Lind could set aside the known ingredients and sense what aligned with his desire to make such an elixir. He was still shaky on breaking grades, but Lind was close.

His ability to think outside known pills also impressed Younger Twin. The first elixir Lind made intentionally was unknown to the Immortal Will. It had been tested and Lind realized it was an excellent cure for diseases of the lung and throat. It also purified the organs of any impurities even at grade 1. Lind had been able to make grade 2 with the same grade herbs, but not since the elixir he stumbled on in the Ruin broke the grading scale.

Lind had still been praised for how quickly he could consistently create an elixir. It was apparently the most difficult part even for those inclined to the gift of it. Lind's experience with making broths had unwittingly pried open a door Lind had finally fully opened. His increase in quality was not as impressive but he could consistently make peak grade 1 now.

Something he had been stunned to learn was that while elixirs followed the same grading scale, their effects could still be used one tier above their grade. Essentially, elixirs were not restricted like pills to a certain realm. The quality still mattered for effectiveness, but otherwise, the rule applied.

Lind felt the sun was trying to bake him as he waited in line. Others had some servants holding umbrellas to give shade or the flow of Qi from a treasure kept them cool. Lind had not bothered as he had not expected the line to be this long!

"That is absurd! It is worth far more than that!" A loud man was yelling inside the building but Lind had heard similar shouts. The people in line had several options when offering items to be auctioned, but most would try to sell right away as they needed resources for certain. Auctions may gain more resources but sometimes it may not gain anything above the appraised cost.

Given how hard some cultivators lived, they expected a commensurate return on items they submit to auction but it was common to not have that happen. Lind was here because it would be troublesome if the Alchemy Guild or the Academy began to ask questions about his elixirs.

It was something he had finally learned by accident. The Alchemy Guild had posted a job for an elixir at grade 2 for Qi recovery. There was no element specified but Lind had taken the job and submitted an elixir. It had turned out at mid-grade 2. Lind had forgotten to put his name on it and that had been a blessing in disguise.

There had been immediate requests for the location of the 'expert elixir master' from the upper echelons of the Alchemy Guild. Apparently, an elixir master was highly sought after and Lind could not have resisted the Gold Tier World Realms that showed up to interrogate the people manning the desks at the Guild.

Lind was glad he had submitted it by pouch as he was unsure if it would exactly be what the customer was looking for. It was easy enough to verify he made it but now Lind stayed low. He did not want to be collected by the Alchemy Guild as they would cart him off to their headquarters by the sound of it.

The Sapphire Auction House was a power on par with the Alchemy Guild and thus his anonymity was protected.

Finally, after far too many hours, Lind entered the blessed shade of the interior. He saw over a dozen desks quickly taking down information but a few would be guided to a set of stairs off to the right side and let up to private rooms. Lind hoped it was not too expensive.

He made his way to a frazzled young woman with bright blonde hair that looked exhausted. Lind used his harmony and noticed she perked right up. It had been something he noticed when using his staff with all 6 elements. Somehow, his harmony made cultivators feel reinvigorated. She would not know it came from him as she was weaker than him.

"Please state your item or items to be auctioned and do you have an appraiser tag?" The much more vigorous look made Lind smile but he felt a frown in his mind. An appraiser tag? He had not thought of that!

"I am sorry, but I need a private room and an appraiser, how much?" Lind thought it would not be a problem but he saw a deep frown on her pale face and began to worry. He quickly brought out one of the vials he carried. The vibrant red liquid drew her attention before her eyes went wide but she stayed quiet.

"One moment!" She pulled out a jade slip that began to glow with wind and light Qi. It was a simpler version of the communication jade he had seen before. It was only a few moments before an older woman seemed to appear out of thin air. Lind felt no flow of Qi so he was unsure how she had done that.

Her face was smooth but the feeling of authority flowed off of her as her dark blue robe indicated a higher member of the auction house. A whispered conversation made the older woman stare at Lind before smiling at him. The smile was not kind, it was more like a predator had found their prey.

Cold sweat broke out before Lind could blink; he was escorted by the older woman up the stairs and passed stone faced guards. A heavy feeling of Gold Tier formations protected the many rooms on each floor they passed. Lind noticed that as they ascended, the feeling of pressure only increased until it passed his ability to safely gauge anymore. It could only be the tier he had yet to experience in this life, Diamond Tier!

The materials were plush carpets and fine drapes of silk that Lind could not readily recognize but all were pleasing shades of blue. He realized that much like other businesses on Earth, the Sapphire Auction House allowed its guests to feel secure in mind as well as cultivation. People felt at ease with soothing colors, but Lind wondered at the cost of even one thread of the materials that could withstand this level of formation.

The older woman swept a few silver strands behind her ear that truly told Lind she was incredibly old for a cultivator. The dark brown hair was framing her tanned face wonderfully. Lind knew she had to be centuries old, but he carefully buried his curiosity on how old. No matter the world, it was very unwise to ask a woman her age.

She was a beauty with her maturity projecting a confidence that would draw anyone in. Lind was basically sat down like a small child onto a dark wooden chair that had comfortable padding in a dark red cover. Lind expected her to take the couch across a small table from him but instead she seemed to stand behind it, waiting for someone.

A complex formation began to light up in the back corner from the door until a shape appeared to solidify there. Lind instantly felt pushed into the chair by the aura coming off the individual. Having experienced peak Iron Tier before, Lind had a rough guess on how Gold Tier would feel, but this was far beyond that.

Compared to the pressure of the Immortal Will, this was nothing, but Lind knew the Younger Twin still held much back or Lind would have been turned into meat paste in that little shop. An elderly man finally became clear as the pressure lifted slightly. He was heavily wrinkled and while he had a staff to help support his body, Lind felt this person could destroy him without much effort.

"You called for me, Little Lady?" A frown passed over the woman's face but she did not contend the nickname he gave her. His crimson robes were emblazoned with the symbol of the Alchemy Guild but behind the burning cauldron, was a blue star. It was an expert of the auction house procured from the Alchemy Guild?! How much money does that take?!

"Honored guest, please display your wares for appraisal." Lind was instantly placed under the dark eyes of the old man and Lind felt like a thousand tons was placed on his shoulders. Lind focused on his harmony to push back until he could move slowly and pulled out 3 examples of what he had brought.

The 3 jade vials held red, violet, and clear liquids but all of them were pristine in their purity. The pressure suddenly vanished as the old man seemed to vanish and appear with intense interest on the couch. Lind nearly jumped out of his chair but then fell back as his body was covered in sweat. Lind noticed an approving nod from the woman that guided him here but the old alchemist treated him as air during the appraisal.

Only a few breaths passed before the old man looked far more friendly at Lind.

"I have a granddaughter you might like, young man, are you interested?" Lind fell off his chair and he noticed the woman hold her head in her hands in annoyance before shouting the most surprising thing Lind could know.

"Grandfather, he is a child!" Lind suddenly wished he could go back in time to try again at the counter downstairs.