Chapter 110 - Farmers

"Lind!  Look at these!"  A bright head of sapphire and gold reflected the noon day sun as the owner of said hair held up what appeared to be kittens.  Lind was about to object when he noticed a larger cat calmly following Annabelle.  Honestly, the level of cuteness this girl could pull off was beyond believable.

Where in the world did she just find kittens?!

"Sigh, they are adorable, but just what are we to do with them?"  Lind was smiling as a tiny black kitten meowed at him and playfully patted his fingers.  A white and black mixed kitten hopped from Annabelle and snagged his robes before climbing up to his face and rubbing his cheek.

Lind leaned down and after a little sniff from her, the momma cat hopped into his arms as well.  She purred happily so it told Lind she had been around humans enough to trust them.