Chapter 133 - Aether Sect

Shoti stood over the 2 captured aether children while confirming both were mid Stone Tier in strength.  Why?  Why were aether children targeting them of all beings?  The anger in the face of the man and resolution in the woman's was also mystifying.  It was as if they expected to die.

"Who are you and why–"  Once more, Shoti tried to ascertain the facts but the man gave her no chances as his darkness and water elements strained against hers.  Whatever his specialty was, it was not an offensive skill.

"We will die before we surrender anything to you!  Kill us!"  Shoti nearly lost control of her two Qi whips but her deep confusion could not be hidden.  To the best of her knowledge, she had not offended any group like this.  She had indeed offended many groups due to her antics but it was only to the level of remembering her, not forming a grudge.