Chapter 151 - Parade of the Masters

Lady Estelle was cackling as Lind sat in an office in the Starfire House looking at her projection.  Mythra and Su were with him.  The former was laughing as well and Lind began to suspect they really were family, but Su was holding her head in her hands.

"You THREATENED Midnight?!"  Su had said that sentence a few times now but Lind only nodded.  He was not proud of losing his temper but it had felt cathartic after that psychological setup he had to walk through.

The man had a teleportation array in his office they used to come back to the surface!  It was expensive, sure, but the fact remained there was no need to see all he had!

"It is fine, Little Su.  A man should stand up for himself against fools."  Estelle wiped tears from her eyes.  Mythra patted Lind on the head like he was a little boy but he just rolled his eyes.  When did he pick up another older sister?