Chapter 155 - Storm of Bidding

The coliseum at the heart of Cimmeria had been transformed.  Formations had been activated that changed it from an open air arena to a domed structure.  Lind was floored as the once unadorned tan stone was now layered in blues, reds, and gold decorations that made it a plush auction house.

It was genius.

The security of the lower floors was practically impregnable even for a Sky Realm cultivator.  The massive areas set aside for weapons, beasts, or other potential gladiators to battle in the usually constant fights were repurposed for the items being set up for sale.  The formations were already in place to protect the structure and lock out any unauthorized access.

He thought the exterior was a large change but the once sand filled center area was replaced with rows of seats leading up to a central dias elevated above them all.  His Eyes revealed extensive formations set up by formation plates around the raised dias with a clear corridor to the largest tunnel.