Chapter 182 - Players

At the once ornate entrance of the Aether Sect, the ground had been reshaped by Diamond Tier World Arts.  The aether silver had been harvested entirely from the mountain used to make the now open plain in front of the sect.

The teleportation arrays that had been damaged during the assault were now repaired but no longer in control of the Aether Sect.  Instead, 2 were held by medium powers the Arathi Sect from a plains area far to the south that had many aether children living in servitude but not slavery.  They had suffered from mild raids for years that had some criminal activity but the last 3 years had been absolute attacks.

Sadly, Lind's lessons in elemental theory made aether children far more powerful when working together.  The results left many powers short handed as they were used to powerful individuals to be wary of but a mediocre group of cultivators could suddenly become terrifying together.