Chapter 203 - Homecoming

The Frey Clan was in celebration.  Lind Frey had finally come home.  The Gu Clan happily allowed Teylin and Sheyra to head over.  The many disciples that had been raised with Lind were barely reaching the peak of the Soul Realm with a few in low Sand Tier while Lind was now in High Stone Tier.

The 6 elemental that had fallen so far behind had now left them in the dust.  Even with his elemental theories smoothing out their cultivation, there was a limit of resources for the whole clan.

Now that Lind returned, it was likely more resources would flow to them in the future!

In a familiar open air courtyard used as an herb garden had a bush and stone dias where Lind was talking to his deceased aunt.

The 4 women close to him were standing nearby with relaxed smiles as he talked about his adventures.  Fey had been kidnapped by Mira the moment Lind mentioned she had neglected her alchemy skills.