Chapter 225 - Fall of Altair

Lind sat in his chair in his quarters as the sun shone brightly from a blue sky with bright white clouds cheerfully floating along.  The breeze was bearable and he could just make out the waving of the very few trees at the edge of the city.

It should have been a day to enjoy the good weather and the banquet roaring on below but Lind felt heavy in his soul.  Fighting an enemy felt clean.  The battle of life and death was clear but politics and revenge left a sour taste in his mouth.

He would gladly wash his hands of it forever if he could but he suspected he could never completely escape it.  Cultivators live long lives and are prideful creatures.  Also, the powers formed over millions of years would not like someone disrupting their flow of goods and resources even if it could be beneficial.

Lavender hands began to rub his shoulders and he smiled as he looked up to see Cyntilla looking down at him with a smile.