Chapter 228 - Invitations

Several months had passed since the fall of Altair.  The territory it once occupied was now more heavily visited by scholars and some experts in Relics to examine the less used ones that littered its landscape. 

Darkmoor took all the profit from opening up the area per Lind's suggestion.  One of several reasons they accepted his idea as their resource flow actually increased compared to before.

In the white imperial palace of the Lotus Empire, the Emperor was ending one of many meetings trying to relay messages to Lind Frey.  He was a bit harried at that point but his retirement was ever closer. 

"Here, Father."  A steaming cup of tea was offered by his son, Etrigan, walking up to him in the carpeted hallway leading to the royal quarters.  His son's bright blue eyes were a bit more subdued but the glow of youth was clear in them.  His amethyst hair was vibrant but the Emperor knew that would fade with time and stress.