Chapter 247 - Invincible Body

The Divine Sword Sect had set up an area for challenges to be officially overseen by elders.  It was not an arena so much as an open area of grass outside of all the camps to ensure safety.  Spars occurred wherever a pair wished but they restrained themselves to physical combat only, but in the open grass arena, all power could be used.

Formation plates and arrays had been set up to create a shield to allow full Iron Tier Arts on display.  It also allowed an audience to watch if they so wished and as the sun rose, there was a man standing in the arena already.

He had his chest bare while dark pants and shoes were on him.  He had no weapons or artifacts apparent, but his well built body was clear to even the untrained eye.  His dirty blonde hair was tied back by a leather tong while his dark green eyes seemed to be looking at deeper mysteries as the light revealed his handsome face.