Chapter 262 - Time

Lind needed help on 2 fronts.  Frankly, he had almost fully grasped grade 4 elixirs at that point and knew no possibility lay in that grade to help Cicily.  The other front he needed was power.  He was going to be pushing the envelope and his Qi was insufficient.

He used his comprehension of the realm to make a leap of faith and it paid off, now he felt like his body was breaking down just from containing the Qi.

Further, he felt like his mind was melting trying to hold off something on his mental horizon.  He was not ready, but clearly the Qi went hand in hand with revelations trying to invade his mind.

"Enough gallivanting around my body and mind, I have a job to do."  Lind looked at the girl and at first nothing came to him, but frankly he knew at least one thing that had to be done.  He could not build an entire dantain and set of meridians from nothing.