Chapter 271 - Mistaken

Lind had a splitting headache.  He had been enjoying teleportation a bit now that he was in the World Realm.  Iron Tier was the true level where it hardly bothered a cultivator anymore.  He had never been so glad to make the progress he had when he learned of that.

Whatever happened at the entrance of the Inheritance, however, made even his worst teleportation in the Soul Realm a calm dream.  His head felt 3 times larger than it should and even a sliver of light like an explosion of pain scraping nails against a chalkboard.

"How did it go wrong?  It never did that before…"  A voice nearly made Lind vomit as it set off his disorientation once more.  Suddenly, soothing emotions covered him and gave him an anchor to clear his mind.

It felt like an eternity before he finally opened his eyes to something both familiar and alien.