Chapter 297 - Vicious Ancestors

Stilson stood in shock at the 3 bodies laid out in the street.  They had swiftly moved across the village from where they searched but the convoluted layout slowed them down.  Flying would draw too much attention in a Mortal Realm, so they had kept to running.

Even so, it had only been the length of time to burn an incense stick since the call went out that the target was found, but 3 of them were dead including the fearsome Poison Adept!

The meticulous man's face was rather plain now, but that was the point of his cultivation technique.  While active, no poison could affect him and his Qi would constantly disperse the various poison he carried depending on the harts used.

The man also had the terribly powerful Shadow Flame Arts for close combat.  The man was lethal at range or up close, yet his dantian was ripped to shreds with his guts!  Sid had his neck snapped like a twig, and the man with no name had been turned into a cinder!