Chapter 315 - Crumbling Citadel

It took a month for Lind to stabilize his foundation once more.  Merging completely with his soul once more had practically removed the barrier to Gold Tier, but the suggestion from Lady Dierdra seemed wise.

Senior dragon soul was no longer with him to guide him and the map had something to do with dragons according to her.

Kora and Tal were excited but Lind hammered home the danger of the upcoming journey.  Kora was a mid Diamond Tier after so long, but Tal was essentially a defenseless babe in the woods at the Sand Tier.

Lind was not much better despite his unique circumstances.  Sky Realms were the real first realm of freedom for a cultivator in the Inheritance.  It made Lind feel humble and reminded him of how far he had to go.

His divine bloodline allowed him some freedom but only in relation to catching beasts off guard.  Their instinctual response made them back off, but if a beast pushed it or overcame their instinct, he would be easily killed.