Chapter 320 - Source of Wrath

"I see, we felt that tribulation out here which we knew was bad.  Still, Father was happy.  He got his answer, it seems."  The same beast as before was talking with Lind as senior dragon soul felt antsy back in Lind's body.

She spoke not a word as he relayed all Skinwalker conveyed and who Kora and Tal were.  The large serpent like beasts were quite curious and seemed to nod about something when they examined his 2 companions.

"If I may ask, what will you all be doing?"  Lind found it odd that Heaven and Earth had not expelled them now that the Inheritance was gone but he was stunned at their response.

"Father left strict instructions for us.  We have to ensure his Inheritance leaves no lasting damage to this mortal realm.  As you may not be able to tell, there is now a partial Divine Ruin here.  We will need to remove it before following after that new world into the void."  Lind let his senses stretch and realized he could feel a distortion just barely.