Chapter 324 - Cultivated Science

Lind was deep under the surface but the lightning did not follow him down.  It proved that whoever designed the dome knew not only how to deflect the lightning but to repel it entirely.  Likely it was a combination of the material above and below working together.

If it was a superconductor above, then in front of Lind was an ultimate insulator.  No matter how destructive lightning could be, if all its power was conducted away with an insulator to repel the rest, it would be the dream of every cultivator facing tribulation.

Still, it had to have a weakness, since it was man made.

Lind found a doorway sealed behind a shell that merged with the rest of the wall in front of him.  The material was much lighter in color.  It was almost a mint green if he was to describe it but when he touched it, it was far from the tasty treats mint usually made.

It was more like a foam or spongy material.