Chapter 357 - Moebius Sect Reborn

Dust fell from his ceiling for quite a while as entire shelves collapsed in his office, but the tower still stood at the heart of the Moebius Sect.  Where once he had a long view in all directions if he wished, there was now a towering range of mountains on one side with a dark low land on the other.

It had worked!

"All Elders, move as planned to repair and heal any that need it.  No charge and no issue ignored.  Kexin, do a rundown on our resources as we discussed."  The last line was code but all the crystals were still lit up as the formation powered down. 

"Heads of each Hall, report any critical issues of repairs but make do otherwise.  We will have a meeting in 2 days."  His jade stone was sending his voice to all his Elders and hall heads to get them moving.  It was not all it could do.

He touched one of the formations and the Moebius strip appeared in the air above his tower.  The formations still worked!