Chapter 376 - Power Unrivaled

Lind had never been to the Darkmoor Kingdom capital, nor had he even visited the palace.  Both of those facts were intentional as he had been avoiding direct contact with Ryu and Callisto as much as possible.

If he had known they had a sensible daughter, named Eliza, who controlled them both with an iron fist, he would have conceded to a visit long ago.  Once she knew who he was, Eliza was ecstatic.

She was a demon refiner, herself.  It made a good profession to craft weapons for her preferred style and the giant sword on her back was a good example.  Lind deeply appreciated her skill as even Master Cain would find few complaints about it.

Any doubts about her lineage were dispersed when she spoke about her weapons.  Instead of a battle maniac, she was a production maniac.  Between the 2, Lind much preferred the latter.  The jealous looks from her parents made Eliza beam with joy.