Chapter 387 - Bridgeway

Lind traversed the Elysium Plains for the next year.  As Mara had told him, it was a pretty but very empty place.  The few villages were all he found scraping out a living as they could.  Some were like Mara's, where they were located by nearly empty Ruins.

Others seemed to simply be living as they could without the worry of rules or other powers coming after them.  Lind felt the pain in his heart as the children could only work with their parents to survive but he had no solution.

He had tried to help a village and now knew if he started, he would have to follow through.  He had no backing, only the resources in his ring, and most of all, he had no desire to kill another group of strangers.

Lind made a few trades with them and got a general direction to go to move to the next island.  He could fly if he wanted but there were dangers between the islands.