Chapter 416 - Broken Shell

Chapter 416 - Broken Shell

Fey smiled as the little children playfully 'fought' her off.  They had finished their training and were now on a pleasant grass hill partially shadowed by the islands above them.  She enjoyed the little punks wanting to spend time with her.

It had been almost a decade since Big Brother brought her to East End.  They had seen how the city operated and Lind no longer had qualms about it.  People left when they planned to or stayed and were taken care of.  The broken down city was depressing so the Circle had made the illusion to give pleasant dreams to the people.

Lind never asked what happened to the old administrators as they were clearly no longer alive.  It was not hard to imagine how they ran the city before the Circle took it over.  There were few resources but food was a major import that they made sure all could enjoy.