Chapter 433 - The Mengcong

Lind had met several cultivators far above him in his relatively short lift of 235 years.  Most of them were so far beyond him he could not sense their full power and thus had little reference until Master Delenn gave him some context.

Younger Twin was an Immortal Spirit, powerful but no greater than the first tier of Immortality.  Delenn, a tier 3 Immortal, was far stronger than it but only at that comparison did Lind have any clue how to gauge the feeling.

The Immortal Artificer fell in between but it was difficult to say by how much one way or the other even with those references.

Until recently, Lind believed Sky Realms progressed like the Soul Realm but he had learned the 9 tiers were grouped and had massive power differences.  A tier 4 Sky Realm could easily flatten 15 to 20 tier 3 Sky Realms and be in no danger.

Soul Realm could never pull off the same feat.