Chapter 444 - Lady Frostfang

Lind was sorting through several jade slips when he felt the presence of a Star Tier.  The fact Lady Gua did not send him a warning nor did anything for that matter, told him she expected them.

Things were finally settling down but now another Star Tier came to call?

"I welcome you to my office, senior.  Please come in."  Lind had not been sure what to expect but a gateway lined in frost was not even on the list!  He was fascinated by it but it closed as a gorgeous woman in golden robes emerged.

Her eyes were ice but her skin glowed vibrantly.  He noticed she had what appeared to be fur gloves but were likely actual paws.  Still, they would be very deadly and unwise to underestimate.

It also confirmed her identity from the research given to him.

"Lady Frostfang, it is a great honor to finally meet you."  She did not speak but slowly walked around his office.  He had meant his words as she was the Star Tier that led his wives to Lady Gua.