Chapter 450 - Romana

"Watcher 117, your last reports have been interesting but there were no follow ups.  Have things become that unsettled on your patrol route?"  Romana was in front of the Warder Elders, all tier 8 or 9 Sky Realms that came from all 3 races of cultivators.

The aether children usually only became stuck due to Qi deviation or other issues but it still happened, while demons and humans simply ran out of time or potential.

Romana was not young anymore but she had a few good centuries left in her.  Still, she had to be careful with her next words due to her oath.  Thankfully, an event helped her out.

"I am afraid they are.  The now Moon Tier aether beast of the frost lions, Lady Frostfang, left her territory and the same area is currently in turmoil.  We do not have a full idea but a few Sky Realms fled through the teleportation arrays as well as to other territories."  Some nodded as they had seen the same.