Chapter 459 - Purge

While Lind was gathering information at the meeting, Fey organized forces to head in 3 directions.

"You cannot tell from the outside what they are.  They will still retain the Qi they were born with but if forced to attack, they only have Fiend Qi."  Fey was talking to a collection of core disciples and elders.

Many beasts wanted to fight but Fey warned them that they were the ideal food for any corrupted beast.  She still took tier 7 and above but left more than enough to guard the sect.  Annabelle would be in charge of the sect while the rest of them moved out.

Lysanna was her aid while Cyntilla, Shoti, and Qing were going as well.

Lind did not stop them but harshly warned them to come back alive.  Kora was on her way to him as she was much faster in flight than he was.  Tal would also stay at the sect but she would be ready to move out if needed.