Chapter 468 - Bloodbath

"These are amazing!"  A slim woman admired her bracers once more as they were red in color but so light compared to the mid grade 4 ones she had before.  The spirit inside had danced to her senses and she liked how it felt.

Not all the spirits had connected to their users but they still worked to protect them as if given an order by their creator.

"Neera, you are not going to be able to keep those, you know that?"  Her senior brother tried to temper her but Neera did not want to give them up.  They were minor members of the Sword Breakers Sect but still powerful at tier 7 of the Sky Realm.

"You are just angry that the spear doesn't like you!"  She stuck her tongue out but quickly ducked a playful swing of the weighted butt end of the handle.  The metal seemed to sing as it flowed through the air but they quickly became serious as the flames flickered ahead.

The vile flames were not pleasant but they were always constant.  Any change could not be good.