Chapter 471 - Void of Heaven

Maggie's party was the first to arrive.  Her fellow Star Tier ancestor of the Sword Breakers Sect was the only death at their level in the spirits forsaken tunnels, but now a massive doorway loomed in front of her.

It was not like the other viewing window they had found before, it easily towered 2 to 3 stories tall.  It was opaque as reported too but Maggie did not care. 

"Everyone have their weapons at the ready.  We are going in."  All the Sky Realms with her nodded while the 2 from Moebius Sect frowned.  They knew progress was needed but Master Lind would want at least 2 parties to go in.

Maggie ignored them but did not explain that her instincts were warning her that time was running out.  The changes they had wrought left the Fiends nowhere to hide.  If they decided to cut their losses, there would be no hope of escape.