Chapter 488 - Rules of Heaven

Lind dismantled his prison shortly afterward.  He brought the Raptor to the mountain and had no issues since all the Fiends were dead. 

Now that he knew what had been done to the people kept by them, he had some ideas to help but it would take years.  He doubted he had that long anymore.

Now that a Raptor had gone missing, the Overseer would know where to focus her efforts.  Still, he did not think she knew death was all that awaited her if she came.

That fact made Lind think about many things.  He had been cultivating for close to 550 years.  He had many encounters with powers far beyond his realm and lucky chances that expanded his knowledge base farther than most at his age.

Even with all that, the way Heaven and Earth worked still eluded him.  It was no doubt a limit to what he could understand but Fiends seemed to help define a certain aspect to it.

Limits on cultivation were obvious to all.