Chapter 493 - Forbidden Land

Lian had been able to shave 2 years off the deadline.

She had gotten a bit lucky but she also had all the resources she could wish to build bases on the surface of the oceans.  The beasts tried to challenge her but they all became their resources.  It saved them a lot of supply line issues at the same time.

A little over 7 years ago, the world felt odd and a massive flow of Qi was visible to her naked eyes.  The emerald light blazed and she knew exactly where the mountain was!  She no longer had to guess where in the cloud bank the mountain was located.

The specific direction saved her a lot of waste and time.

Now, a massive mountain loomed over them.  They could no longer advance without being beneath it and they could not be.

The moment a Raptor or artifact flew across its borders, they died.

She had been stunned when the scouts were struck by Heavenly Wrath!  Why?!  The realm was theirs!