Chapter 515 - Zhandou Island

It took Lind the better part of 4 months to make his way to Zhandou Island but he was stunned at what he found.

The island had few resources but the wide open plains was chock full of massive arenas run by sects and kingdoms for entertainment.  The space was well used but the sheer number was not what stunned him.

What stunned him was the indifference to the massive temple structure that floated above the island where its best arenas had once stood.

Over 75 years ago, the skies had been torn open and a tan colored temple had replaced a part of the island entirely.  All occupants had been lost where it appeared but it was an Inheritance so they should have been somewhere inside.

A few were kicked out but many never appeared again.  Those that tried to enter were myriad but few were accepted before the rough requirements were worked out.