Chapter 522 - Ruffled Feathers

News spread across the Floating Isles down to the lower world.  Moebius Sect was hosting a competition.  Cimmeria was rife with rumors but then an announcement came down.

Moebius Sect was accepting applicants from the lower world as well!

The qualifying requirements were strict but something that made many sects like the Dancing Flame Sect jump for joy.  A Diamond or Gold Tier World Realm under 150 years old that reached the peak of grade 3 was rare but not impossible!

Further, the leaders of those powers were all invited as guests so long as they were Diamond Tier or tier 1 Sky Realm.

It was an unprecedented invitation.

It was also the point that made many guilds of the Floating Isles irritated.

"Impudence!  We have traditions going back billions of years but this upstart thinks he can overthrow all of that!"  A wizened old man used a cane to slowly move down a hall of gilded dark wood.