Chapter 525 - Strange Attitude

The Sylvan Wing appeared over the newly sprawling city.  The city once had a name under the old Warders but Arianna insisted it have a new one.  It marked the passage of the old ways and marked the rise of the new.

Saisei City now had fully mapped out streets, quarters, and everything a metropolis would need.  Cultivators already had set up stalls for their wares and the once bursting taverns and inns were making excellent business.

The high security areas for the mansions, courtyards, and so forth were done long ago but the interiors were still being worked on.  The same with the massive arena where the competition would be held.  It had filled out inside to the point resources could be stored there but the seating and VIP areas were still under construction. 

There were also the many formations and protections being worked on for when the competition occurred.  The envoys were able to view it with their personal displays setup in their cabins.