Chapter 560 - Power of Truth

Lind had been in the Heaven Realm for just over a week.  While he had to figure out how to control his new strength and stabilize his foundation after its explosive increase, he had felt just tired.

The expectation had been to find where he was, get to his wives and begin establishing the Moebius Sect one last time.  He already knew ascending to the Celestial Fields was not going to happen, or at least had issues.

He also wanted a place to consolidate power to protect his family from the machinations of the Alliance. 

Instead, he was in some isolated place in the Heaven Realm and stuck with people that were just…broken.

He had shown his ability to weave in the hopes to weaken the morality of the soldiers but their overall response took all the energy out of him.

"P-p–please don't take our souls!  We did not mean to disobey or disappoint you!"  He had simply spoken coldly and leaned over them.  It broke them all.