Chapter 562 - Imposter

Sheena and the other bandits had fled the lives they lived in frontiers or other bad situations but few of them had any inkling of how the inner parts of their empires worked.  Lind had spoken more with the soldier who now sat freely in front of him.

She was Briel and had no family left after a noble slew them for breathing too loudly.  Some of the other soldiers had similar stories.

Apparently, if a noble did such despicable acts, they had to leave at least one alive to give to the defense force of their respective armies.

Perot did not have the manpower to simply let good soldiers die, so they needed enough fodder to keep them alive.

Briel also let him examine the weaving brand on her but he was stumped on it.  It was well above him and showed how big a step the 4th circle or 5th circle had to be.  He could not even make out the traces, only the feeling of it.