Chapter 565 - Hungry

The Karridan Empire was a lively place of mercantile business as the main trade route between all the empires flowed through it.  The imperial family had made smart alliances over the millennia and their coffers were rarely suffering.

One of the most profitable markets were its slave trade or the presentation of exiles to the Soulmancers.  Normally, there were a few of such events a year, but the last 5 years saw a sharp decline in the exiles.

No one knew why but no empire seemed able to find them as easily anymore.  While their camps had to move to avoid powerful aether beasts or known raided areas, but suddenly no one could be found.

While the number of exiles were few relative to the whole billions of the population, it was not simply one known area they fled to that was having issues.

It was only when the presentations stopped happening one year to the next that the powers in charge began to investigate more deeply.