Chapter 601 - Broken Empire

The loss at the conquered city spread across Dar very quickly.  The other cities currently embroiled in the chaos of rebellion became still.  They had already exhausted many resources on their infighting as they expected the army to win.

The capital, on the other hand, was bedlam.  The fighting was much fiercer than anywhere else as any and every noble wanted to ascend to the throne with even the Soulmancers throwing their hands in the ring.

Shi knew the chaos hid the effects of the defeat but slowly a change came over the capital.  As she well knew, only 50 years had passed since the last army division had been defeated.

While it was long enough to refill the lost members, the army sent to take back the city had 3 divisions and it was all wiped out!  The army still had 2 divisions left but it was now divided up among the factions.

In other words, if the intruders felt like it, Dar Empire would fall inside of a month if they marched on the capital!