Chapter 605 - Goddess of Death

Cyntilla stood over her mother in a sick bed once more.  The hilts of her shortswords cracked as her knuckles cracked from how tightly she grasped them.

She had been down on her mission for the sect training disciples when the emergency summons came.  She had not been told until she was back in the master tower what had happened.

Her mother had been found!  There had always been leads but they went nowhere and often were mistaken identity.  Her bloodline had been part of Darkmoor which had ties to Hellfire Sect.

It was not impossible relatives in her clan had ascended and spread their genes, but her mother remained elusive.

Now, a mask covered her eyes because she had none.  They  had been gouged out!  Further, the nerves had been seared!

Cyntilla desperately wanted something to kill or for Lind to be there to say he could fix it!  Mira had already done what she could and Cyntilla had sincerely thanked her.