Chapter 612 - Path to Heaven or Hell

Lind found the empty caskets far more eerie than when full but the feeling of souls angered him more.  Yet, he pushed it all aside as he gently used weaving before breathing out.  The Sky Realm blinked and wobbled then resumed his monitoring of his fellows as they controlled the puppets.

Lili and he moved back before slowly flying up again.  He followed the path of the man from before and found a ledge with an ancient teleportation array.  He had felt no space fluctuation so he knew it was extremely high end.

"What are we going to do?"  Lili was afraid because she had not felt the being behind the presence.  Lind wondered if he should use the Wizard of Oz to explain but dismissed the silly notion.

"It was only a Sun Tier, not an Immortal.  He was using a platform to float and likely increase his aura."  Lind did not see any such platform so it had teleported with him.  He found the array astounding.