Chapter 621 - Blitz

Lind was exhausted beyond belief after the Heavenly Wrath.  He had not intended to invoke it but he was hardly complaining.  Half his problems were resolved in Orwellia with that single event.  It also told him that the Heaven Realm was not welcoming to Fiends either.

He had tried to invoke the Heavenly Wrath in the Barren Realm but it was like it was blocked off.  Something still held it back but he would hopefully figure that out in the future.

For the moment, he slowly recovered as they followed a route in the backcountry of the mountains on the northside of Orwellia Empire.  It had been used to move supplies and some refugees now and again, but now it held close to 300 people.

Out of what had once been a few thousand rebels, only 300 survived the onslaught of the puppets.  They could see the panicking forces of Orwellia trying to stop their noble floating lands leaving their Empire!