Chapter 637 - The New Law

Shi had to leave her brother behind as terrifying lighting had slammed into him.  She could only pray he made it or everything would become moot.  She carefully waited far away as her hearing and sight came back until the large meeting hall came back into focus.

The flashes of lighting were ongoing so Shi could only make her way down the hall back to the battle.  She no longer heard or felt any shockwaves of battle, but Xing had not come tearing out of there.

Even the Fiend would have to hold back from the tribulation so Linghu was safe from her at least, but Shi felt her heart thunder inside her chest.  She was incredibly aware of her body and the processes it used to stay alive at that moment.

It felt as if her mind was trying to memorize each moment she was still alive because Xing would plunge her into a fate worse than death.  As her possible final moments could be happening right then, she felt time stretch out.