Chapter 642 - Grade 7

Lind has actually slept for 4 days before waking up.  He felt like a new man and completely refreshed.  His mind, that had been bogged down with resource allocation, training regimens, and various other things to keep the Wards running smoothly, had fallen away.

It all became so simple when he first awoke.  He began to imprint several jade slips while the clarity lasted and before long he slipped from his duties as Emperor to his more favored area, his professions.

He had been at the peak of Heaven grade 6 for centuries but had put off progressing until that moment.  He did not feel as firm of bottlenecks as before.

He began to remember how it felt when the restriction of the Law Binding had stopped his weaving from progressing.  Now that he had Linghu to explain the limits, grade 7 was not off limits and further, it was a qualitative difference he was long used to.