Chapter 684 - Greed of Dragons

Lanbao barely kept her face neutral.  For over 2 years lives had been wasted and what did the fools have to show for it?  Nothing!

No territory gained, any resources recovered were burned immediately afterward to try and gain advantage.  Even the Mao Kingdom, a very resource rich place, had squandered its wealth on 2 warfronts!

Battered, weak, and now humbled, they were made to be treated like little children instead of adults as they made their way down the main road of the fortress.

The simple spires were well made, even Lanbao was impressed as the skill to make them was beyond many.  Lind had proven 6 elementals had skills that could be terrifying if turned to war!

The Nautilus Class ships overhead also served as a reminder to the fools following her how pitiful their wars were.

If Lind had wished, he could have crushed all 3 with little effort yet he let them fight.  He allowed them to understand the futility of war inside the Law Binding.