Chapter 723 - Pointless Meetings

Lind was back in full health and wished heartily he was not.  Training students with a few lectures on the Dao he had learned or training for his own strength was much preferable to what was currently happening.

He was currently having a meeting that could have been an email.  As a Sect Master, he had been through a few meetings like that but it was usually only a part of a much more productive whole.

Imperial meetings, in stark contrast, seemed to mostly be about whining.

Not enough herbs were available for the alchemists and elixir masters or Qi stone reserves were doing better than projected.  Mostly it was updates he already knew!

It was also information all at the table knew as well!

So why were they having the bloody meeting?!

If, perhaps they wanted to negotiate some changes or adjustments, then at least the meeting would make sense but it was not about that at all!