Chapter 739 - All Cards on the Table

Lind had felt a great deal of pain and suffering in his journey.  Death had most certainly come calling more than once, but he had been saved at the last moment several times.  At the time he was grateful, but now he was just tired of it.

He was tired of relying on higher powers taking pity on him to let him live instead of relying on his own strength.  It was a wakeup call of how much work he had to put into his cultivation.

He had become too reliant on his draconic strength and such mercy from higher powers.

[You could have done more and not been judged harshly for it.]  Balgorn's voice was the first thing he heard upon waking up around a campfire next to a simple wooden house.  It was not the best construction as even he could tell the logs were not exactly stable.